Formaldehyde Oxime Spectrophotometry for Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 甲醛肟分光光度法测定水中的溶解氧
Photometric Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water with the Reaction of Iodine and Starch 碘-淀粉光度法测定水中溶解氧含量喹诺酮类药物水溶解度的测定与关联
Sine-cosine resolver Analyse on confidence and precision of measured oxygen in water Between portable Orion Do instrument and iodometric method 正弦-余弦解算装置便携式溶解氧仪与碘量法测定溶解氧的置信度与精密度比较
The volume delivery coefficient of oxygen in water is a great significance in training the microbiology. 摇床生物反应器的氧体积传递系数在培养微生物方面具有重要的意义。
Determination Dissolved Oxygen in Water by Static Injection Chemiluminescence Spectrometry 水体中溶解氧的静态注射化学发光法测定
A mixed filter material layer made of natural manganese sand and sponge iron granules is arranged in the deaerator for removing solvent oxygen in water. 在除氧器内装有天然锰砂、海绵铁粒混合滤料层,用于去除水中溶解氧;
Objective to introduce the method of determining of consumed oxygen in water and the factors of influencing the results for truth, some experiments are done. 本文着重摸索并分析了水中测定耗氧量的方法和影响测定结果准确性的因素。
Rapidly increasing oxygen in water, driving water circulation in pond, and efficiently handling hypoxia in fish, prawn and eel, it is a necessary tool of increasing oxygen for aquiculture. 迅速增加水中氧气,推动池中水循环,有效快速解决鱼虾鳗等浮头现象,是水产养殖的必要增氧工具。
Dissolved oxygen in water body plays on more and more important role in recirculating aquaculture while developing to higher density and intensification. 随着水产养殖业逐渐向高密度、集约化方向的发展,对养殖水体溶解氧浓度的要求越来越高。
It reported that fish kills can be caused by hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in water, and the northern Gulf of Mexico is known as the largest so-called "dead zone" in the United States. 报道称,鱼的死亡可能是因为突然缺氧引起的,而且北部墨西哥湾有美国“死亡地带”之称。
High concentration of dissolved oxygen accelerated corrosion of carbon steel, the minute dissolved oxygen in water is favorable to form the protective film. 溶解氧对碳钢的腐蚀具有双重作用,浓度高时对碳钢的腐蚀具有促进作用,浓度低时利于保护性氧化膜的形成,有抑制腐蚀的作用;
The contents of active oxygen in water were increased while increasing the current density and treatment time. 微电解作用产生的活性氧物质有明显的杀菌作用,其含量随施加的电流密度、处理时间的增大而明显上升;
The technology of lifting water and aeration was novel for its improvement of water quality, mixing of water, controlling algae growth, increasing dissolved oxygen in water, and constraining the release of pollutant in sediment. 扬水曝气技术是新开发的水质改善技术,用于混合上下水层、控制藻类生长、增加水体溶解氧、抑制底泥污染物释放。
Magnetic treatment has the special biological effect on algae productivity, that is very important to accelerate the restoration ability of oxygen in water body and advance the efficiency of self-purification. 磁化处理引起藻类生产力显著提高的特殊生物效应,对加速水体的复氧能力,提高自净效率,有着重要的意义。
A Survey of the Dissolved Oxygen in Water by Using Iodine 碘量法测定水中溶解氧的含量
The method of determination on dissolved oxygen in water with new micro-buret was studied, and was applied in determination the dissolved oxygen in water of lakes. 用微型滴定对水中溶解氧的测定进行了研究,对其方法的可行性进行验证;
Research with the Determination of the Dissolved Oxygen in Water by using Micro-titration 微型滴定法用于水中溶解氧测定的研究
Incubation experiment of sediments indicated that short-term interconversions between forms of nitrogen are relate to the content of oxygen in water column and that the nitrogen in sediments can transform into dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen. 沉积物孵化实验表明,水体中无机氮各种形态之间的转化和水体中含氧程度有关,沉积物中的氮可以向无机态氮及有机态氮转化。
The results showed the deficiency in dissolved oxygen in water from bottom of Dahuofang reservoir during summer. 大伙房水库的自然生态环境特征是湖水的季节性分层和夏季底层贫氧。
Furthermore, the diffusion of oxygen in water was simulated with the same method, and satisfactory results in good agreement with the experimental value were obtained. 还用同样的方法模拟了氧气在水中的扩散过程,模拟结果与实验结果吻合也较好。
Study of field rapid determination method of dissolved oxygen in water 水中溶解氧现场快速测定方法研究
Micro-titration of dissolved oxygen in water 水中溶解氧的微量滴定
Dissolved oxygen in water reflects degree of water polluted, it is one of the important indexes in water monitoring. 水中的溶解氧可反映水体受污染的程度,是水质监测的一项重要指标。
Dissolved oxygen in water also corrodes the thermodynamic equipment. 水中的溶解氧,也将对热力系统设备造成极大的腐蚀危害。
To increase oxygen in water by air-blower; Air(初三适用)用鼓风机向水中增氧;
Electrochemical removal of dissolved oxygen in water with three-dimensional electrode 三维电极电化学去除水中溶解氧的研究
In situ Determination of the Dissolved Oxygen in Water 溶解氧的快速现场测定
The feasibility of the microtitration of dissolved oxygen in water was verified. 由此,微量滴定技术应用于水中溶解氧的日常分析的可行性得到了验证。
Photocatalytic oxidation of n-type semiconductor using dissolved oxygen in water as O source, has already become a research focus in water treatment field in the last twenty years. 以水中溶解氧为氧源,n型半导体,特别是TiO2为催化剂的光催化氧化是近廿年来水处理领域的研究热点之一。